| Release |  Relax | Unwind |

Put your Body in
Good Hands

One of the lovely things about Tuina is that it relaxes the body while also energizing. During treatment, we can focus on the specific problem our client is dealing with at that time, from chronic to acute pain.

Shufei Chinese Massage

Tuina – Traditional Chinese Massage

Tuina (pronounced twee-nah) is a traditional Chinese Medical Massage. The practitioner’s hands utilize acupoint therapy to assist in balancing the body. According to Tuina, there are 800 vital energy points from head to heels. These medians connect the parts of the body, and every point has a specific therapeutic effect on the organs. One of the lovely things about Tuina is that it relaxes the body while also energizing. During treatment, we can focus on the specific problem our client is dealing with at that time, from chronic to acute pain. 

Relieves Pain

There are many benefits of incorporating Chinese massage into your life and can significantly improve your conditions with regular treatments

Increase Energy

Ramp up your energy (yang) or slow down your energy (yin), a massage therapist knows what vigorous or relaxing techniques to apply to help you regain inner peace

Speed Recovery

If you experience pain or stiffness related to your lower back, frozen shoulder, or sciatica, soft tissue massage increases blood flow, leading to stiffness relief and pain reduction.

Improve Circulation

The main meridians of the body also run along with the cardiovascular system, which means that Qi has physiological links with healthy circulation.

Massage taupo

Shufei Chinese Massage

What to expect during a massage

Treatments incorporate acupressure points and massage techniques: your practitioner may brush, knead, roll, press, or rub affected areas. Your practitioner may combine both Acupressure and Massage into a single treatment, as the combination works effectively. The object of the combined treatment is to stimulate blood flow to sore or injured areas.

This mix helps to initiate a healing effect; while simultaneously providing pain relief and releasing tension & inflammation. 


General benefits of Chinese Massage

Effective for musculoskeletal problems and internal ailments such as digestive problems, menstrual disorders, respiratory illnesses, and stress. 

Relieves stress and tension

Increases blood circulation

Aids removal of toxic waste

Provides relief from aches and pains

Promotes rapid healing of injuries

Increases general energy levels

Increases overall feeling of well-being

Shufei Massage Taupo


Where there is no movement there is pain. Where there is movement there is no pain

— Traditional Chinese saying


Our highly trained Chinese medicine massage therapist is happy to treat any of your conditions.

30 Min Session


40 Min Session


60 min Session


Contact us to purchase a Gift Voucher from Shufei Massage

Contact Details

118 Taupo View Road
New Zealand

Mon – Fri: 10am – 5:50pm
Sat: 10am – 3:50pm